Let's Chat

I work with three kinds of people...

Leaders + High Achievers...

Driven, highly ambitious movers and shakers.

You were born for this, and you're ready to take your leadership or career to the next level.

You spend time fighting fires instead of coaching your team.

You want to be seen and respected as a leader by your team, peers, and senior leaders.

You spend more of your time addressing unwanted team behavior than building up desired behaviors and skillsets.

You don't have a succession plan.

Your actual culture doesn't match your vision.


I want to grow my leadership!

Dreamers + Life Builders...

You know you're meant for something more.

You feel restless and unsettled, dissatisfied with where you are vs. where you want to be.

You feel uncertain about the right path or the exact next steps to take.

You feel somewhat lost, confused, or unmotivated.

You thought you'd be further along than you are now.

You know greatness isn't far away, you just need some guidance, help, or accountability.

I'm ready to make my dream a reality!

Widows + Grievers...

Widowed at age 37 as a traveling executive balancing 4 kids and 4,000+ employees, I understand the challenge of trying to be everything for everyone while you're grieving.

You want to create a future for yourself, but don't know how or where to start.

Navigating this new life is overwhelming, confusing, and full of landmines.

You may feel like you're drowning... knocked backwards by waves of grief any time you take a step forward.

It seems like no one understands how you feel.

You want to connect with others who "get it".

I want to move forward without leaving my person behind!